New Report: Prevent the unthinkable

In a new report published today, the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) sounds the alarm about the extremely volatile situation in Rakhine State amid the escalating armed conflict between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army.

Rohingya communities continue to be caught in the middle of the power struggle between the two sides. Prevent the unthinkable documents serious violations against Rohingya committed over the past six months, including killings, sexual violence, and shelling of homes, villages and mosques.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures to prevent ongoing genocide against the Rohingya minority in Myanmar. However, the report exposes how the Burmese military and other organisations are ignoring the provisional measures and that genocide is ongoing. It is the responsibility of the United Nations Security Council to uphold the ruling of the UN court, but it is failing to do so.

The report calls for the British government, as penholder on Myanmar at the UN Security Council, to urgently convene a meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the failure of the Myanmar military to uphold the ICJ rulings.

For full report:

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