BROUK welcomes new sanctions on eve of Burma coup anniversary

For Immediate Release

The Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) today welcomed new sanctions on the Burmese military by the UK, US and Canada. The sanctions were announced on the eve of the one year anniversary of the military coup in Burma on February 1, 2021. 

“The UK, US and Canada are showing international leadership by continuously imposing sanctions on the Burmese military and their businesses. By doing this, they are making sure that international pressure is not only kept, but increased, on the military and its cronies”, said Tun Khin, President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation (BROUK). 

The UK and Canada are imposing sanctions on three individuals with connection to the military regime, while the US are imposing sanctions on seven individuals and two military entities. 

One year on from the military coup, people in Burma keep protesting against the military rule, risking their lives by doing so. So far over 1,500 people have died and nearly 12,000 have been arrested. The Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) is asking for the international community to cut the military’s access to arms and money, and to hold the military regime to account for their crimes. 

“We see leadership on sanctions, but not on justice and accountability. As Rohingya, we know far too well that there is no justice to be had inside Burma. People in Burma need to see the international community push much harder for the referral of Burma to the International Criminal Court, join the Rohingya genocide case at the Hague, and explore the possibility of opening Universal Jurisdiction cases where possible”, said Tun Khin. 

In November 2021, the Argentina judiciary decided to open a Universal Jurisdiction case brought by BROUK and others, accusing the Burmese military of genocide. 

“This case is not just for the justice of Rohingya people, but for all people in Burma” Tun Khin said. “For the last year, the Burmese military has shown the world just how brutal it is: killing children, burning people alive, torching whole villages. It is time for the international community to clearly tell the military leadership that their time is up.” 

For more information, contact Tun Khin: +44 7888714866. 

UK Sanctions: 

US Sanctions: 

Canada Sanctions: 

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