Media Release from Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK
The Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) today welcomed a new round of sanctions by the European Union, which includes sanctions on the Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) and Mining Enterprise 1 (ME 1).
Today’s sanctions announced by the EU, the fourth since the military’s coup in February 2021, have targeted MOGE and ME 1, the state-owned enterprises that are now under the control of the military, as well as the crony companies Htoo Group and IGE. Members of the military junta, known as the State Administrative Council (SAC), the Union Election Commission (UEC), and the armed forces have also been targeted.
“We welcome this latest round of sanctions by the European Union, in particular the targeting of the oil and gas sector, which has been an important source of revenue for the junta,” said Tun Khin, President of BROUK. “Not only does this maintain international pressure on the military and its cronies, but also targets their sources of income, which help to finance the atrocities they continue to commit against the Myanmar people every day.”
The EU has now placed sanctions against 65 individuals and 10 entities in Myanmar, including an asset freeze and a travel ban that prevents those listed from travelling through EU territory. An embargo on arms and equipment is also in place, as well as a prohibition on military training and military cooperation with the Myanmar military, known as the Tatmadaw.
“While we welcome these new sanctions, there’s much more all in the international community can do to support the Myanmar people in their efforts to remove this military from power,” Tun Khin said. “This includes continuing to push for the referral of Myanmar to the International Criminal Court, joining the Rohingya genocide case at The Hague, the hearings for which are taking place this week, as well as exploring the possibility of opening Universal Jurisdiction cases.”
For more information, please contact Tun Khin on +44 7888714866.